Monday, March 4, 2013

Walmart knew we were trouble when we walked in.

I often (well, not that often, we started this blog yesterday) wonder where the line is between obnoxious blogging of every minuscule detail, and an acceptable, un-overwhelming amount of content. I have since decided I don't care. Therefore, enjoy this very detailed account of the #CampDisney shopping trip at Walmart!

We arrived at Wally World, eager to purchase supplies necessary for our enjoyment and survival for camping in the deep wilderness known as Disney World. Crucial to not getting burnt, we explored the multitude of sunscreen options available in March at the Ithaca Walmart.

Robert was Vanna White in a past life.

We then made sure that we would have enough snacks for our long and arduous car trip down to Florida. Without the snacks, we may have had to resort to cannibalism, and that would have ended really poorly for one of us. I think the snacks were a wise investment.

Trail mix!

In the camping section, we made sure to have a tarp for rain coverage, and rope for various clotheslines and such. All of our years of combined camping experience should ensure that we survive without being maimed too badly.

I am almost as excited about this tarp as I am for Disney World.
Courtney also checked out the surprising amount of cowboy hats for sale.

After we checked out, a man locking up the Subway inside Walmart asked us if we wanted some cookies. Nearby, a sketchy bag of cookies lurked on a shelf. My 'don't accept candy from strangers' training from kindergarten kicked in, and I declined the cookies. Courtney had the good sense to realize these were probably the leftover cookies from Subway, and were not poisoned or meant to lure me away, so she ran back and accepted them. We then ate the cookies, and I have not yet died, so things will probably turn out okay.

PICTURED: bag of (potentially deadly) sketchy cookies

A quick stop at Bank of America for some financial transactions resulted in Courtney lurking around drive-thru ATMs.

She clearly thinks I am crazy for documenting our every move.

We then sped quickly home to revel in our purchases, and on the way Taylor Swift's classic 'I Knew You Were Trouble' came on the radio, and we all felt obligated to sing along at the top of our lungs. While we performed an excellent rendition, I was concerned it would not be good enough to move us past the first round of auditions at The American Idol Experience in Disney. Only time will tell how that adventure will turn out.

I think we were at least as good as this goat.


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