Friday, March 8, 2013

We survived! (Day One Wrap up)

I really thought that I would be the only person looking at this blog, but according to the analytics, apparently that would be a false assumption. Anyway, glad somebody out there besides me is amused by this!

If you couldn't tell by the title of this post, we made it to our midway point for the night! Courtney's parents were awesome enough to get us a hotel room (Thanks Brown family!), so we are living in comfort for the evening, enjoying some HGTV, and doing some work before we begin the second leg of our journey tomorrow. We mustn't get too used to this, however, since soon enough we will be roughin' it (comparatively) at Disney World!

So! Day One wrap up. We didn't have any major issues, and have not yet tired of each other, so I will call today a success. We did a variety of sing alongs, played car games, and snacked our way from New York to Virginia. If you didn't know better, you would think that we were a bunch of first graders on vacation.

I'm going to use this space to ask everybody their favorite memory from the day:

Robert: Getting to the hotel and the 'going to Grandma's house' game.
Colleen: Hairspray sing along!
Courtney: The 'going to Grandma's house' game.
Zach: Playing car games (and obsessively updating this blog by the hour)!

G'night everybody, and be sure to check in at 8 AM for the beginning of our second leg of driving, moving forward to Disney World!

Enjoying every last moment of being on a bed before camping for a week

1 comment:

  1. it was our pleasure, hope you guys had a good rest. The Brown's
